Thursday, March 22, 2012

Want Me

"I wish I didn't have to take my clothes off for you to want me"

I think love and sex is not what it used to be; I think that sex has lost a lot of its "meaning." It used to be that when two people were in love and wanted to conceive, they would participate in sexual activity. Now it is just a recreational activity that two people, a lot of the time even two strangers, have sex because they want to feel satisfaction. In my opinion, sex lacks passion nowadays and therefore girls, like the one writing the postsecret, feel a sense of being used for quick pleasure and not for meaningful purposes like love.

Because of this new open-mindedness to sex, girls end up feeling like a "piece of meat" and often feel like guys do not actually want them, they just want their body. Sometimes even when I meet a new guy at a party, I wonder if he is interested in me or if he is interested in my assets. How did this transition from sex being a sacred act to being a common social activity occur? Maybe it’s from the sexually driven marketing techniques that have taken over magazine and billboards. Maybe these advertisements with half naked women made men respect girls less (and the opposite way around) and subconsciously lowered the standards for sexual intercourse.

There is less respect for the other sex, less meaning in sex, and casual sex occurring more frequently. With sex not being as sacred as it used to be, it has become ok to have sex with people that one does not know well. Therefore STDS and pregnancies have increased dramatically. I read an article recently that showed how the US has as many HIV sick people as Africa in 2011.

In conclusion, I think its important to re-evaluate the meaning of sex and the think about the consequences of taking the word and action lightly.

1 comment:

  1. First, I want to say I absolutely love the image. Her dress enough alluded to what this post would be about. I agree 100 percent that sex rarely has any emotion anymore. I think because of the media, females are dressing skimpier and leaving less for a male to imagine and want to persue. In the same aspect, males are influenced to be less intimate through media. The pressure is on when everyone is doing it, especially their friends, and they don't want to be "not cool". Personally, it's hard to find a nice guy who wants an intellecutal conversation instead of sex. It's crazy!
