Thursday, March 1, 2012

Rid Myself of You
I chose this Postsecret this week since it is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. This secret to me, represents a REASON as to why people suffer from eating disorders. Professionals say that eating disorders are not about wanting to become skinny or thin, instead they are a way people gain control of their lives. By starving oneself or by purging food after eating, one seems to have full control over his or her body and therefore they feel in control of their whole lives.

In this secret, thoughts of a bad relationship may have been taking over this person’s life to the point where it was unmanageable. Purging therefore made the person feel like he or she had a new sense of power and that the relationship no longer controlled them.

The ironic thing about eating disorders is that although one might feel like he or she is getting her life back on track and that he or she is in control of his/her life, in reality they are controlled by a destructive habit.

I think it is also important to bring up that people suffering from eating disorders are often misjudged and therefore not given the help they need. Many people will say that these people are trying too hard to become model-thin, and not realize that this disorder stems from issues deeper than body weight. Depression and eating disorders are commonly tied together and many people suffer from both at the same time. By trying to regain control of their lives and get out of depression, they chose to start starving themselves and end up in a vicious cycle.

In conclusion, this Postsecret does an amazing job of explaining why people suffer from eating disorders. I also enjoy the skeleton image on the Postcard because it shows how people SEE others with eating disorders, just skin and bones. But there is more to the story than that...

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you that there are always more reasons to eating disorders than just the model thin structure. Many don't look past that reason to see that one might actually be depressed enough that they want to attempt to take over their life in another way. The way that this image takes the text and the bones and puts it together it does a really good job of getting its message across to its audience.
