Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Since this is my last passion blog post, I thought I'd pick a postsecret that correlates with my life passion: traveling. So far, I have visited 14 European countries and this summer I am planning to broaden my horizons and study abroad in Latin America, more specifically, in Mexico. Personally, there is nothing that makes me feel more alive and more happy than visiting a foreign place and immersing myself in new cultures.
What I enjoy most about traveling is the thrill of the unknown; anything can happen, you can meet any type of person, and each day is just a brand new adventure when you are abroad.

This postsecret reminds me of my own life dream. I never really planned on marrying early or having kids like a lot of my friends have; all I want to do was find a friend and just travel. I think traveling has changed me in many ways. Most importantly, it made me such an open and nonjudgmental person. I am not only free of judgment of all cultures and religions but I also am deeply fascinated by them. My best friend from home is Persian and Muslim; my two best friends here at Penn State are Indian and Vietnamese. I love diversity and I love interacting and learning from these people who are so different from me.

Secondly, I think traveling has made me "grow up" and mature more, in a good way. I remember the first time I traveled, my parents put my on a plane by myself at age 12 to take a trip to Poland for the summer and live with my aunt. Its made me less reliant on others and allowed me learn how to take care of myself.

Overall, I cannot stress how important and life-changing traveling can be and it worries me when some people have never been out of the country. There is so much to see abroad and so much new cultures, languages, and types of people to meet. :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Bad habits
Two wrongs don't make a right but revenge is a part of human nature. To me, this postsecret is just an example of how people try to get back at each other and in the end up hurting one another.

Revenge makes common sense: you hurt me, I hurt you. And it’s hard to be the bigger person and just deal with the hurt and do nothing back. I'm a big believer in karma; what goes around comes around. I try to live by that motto and that usually helps me avoid taking revengeful actions.

Another lesson from this postsecret is that people are too quick to judge. The person assumed her partner was cheating when he actually was not. A lot of times, things aren't how they seem but we are usually too impatient to find out the real facts.

What I guess I'm trying to say is that we all possess bad qualities: revengeful motives and quick to form judgments.  And the only way to solve this is to make a conscious effort to be a bigger person.
I am adding a second postsecret today because I think this one correlates with the one above. Although we all do possess bad qualities, sometimes people love us for them. Or maybe a better way to put it is that sometimes a person can overlook our bad sides and still love us. This postsecret is about a woman who loves her drug addict partner even though he consumes drugs.

In my opinion, our bad habits/qualities help define us. The point is to find people who are able to deal with our vices and help us improve.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Going to Hell

"I can't believe in GOD. He'll know I only believe because I'm afraid of HELL"

Last semester I took a philosophy class where we analyzed the concept of God. Although it was a long, controversial topic, the general conclusion was that it was irrational to believe in a higher being but that it was beneficial. There is no concrete proof that God exists and if you factor in that he is supposed to be: Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and All-knowing... there is no way that a God could be all these three at the same time. For example, if God gave us free will to make our own choices, then how can he be all-knowing? It would be impossible and therefore it does not make sense to believe in him.

However, the other side of the argument was that "what do we have to lose?." If we do not believe in him, then we have the chance that we will go to Hell. But by believing in him all we may lose is time worshiping him and gain eternal Heaven in return. We are better off believing in a God. But does that justify us to become religious? I don't think so. I think that many people are raised into a religion, are scared of Hell, and therefore attend church every Sunday but never truly believe.

Like the postsecret states, our reasons for being religious sometimes aren't pure and contradict the concept of believing. Our fear of death is so strong that religion gives us hope, but that doesn't necessarily mean we actually believe.

I do not know where I stand on this issue. I was raised Catholic but I stopped following “organized religion” for the same reason that the postsecret writer did… I don’t want to waste my time with something that my heart and head didn't fully support just because I am scared of death. Thus, I consider myself to be spiritual and not religious.

Thursday, March 29, 2012 my life.

This postsecret reminded me of one of my favorite movie quotes from The Dead Poets Society: carpe diem. This translates from Latin to “seize the day” and tells us to tackle each day as if it was our last.

Most of us think we are invincible, that we are immune to death, and have ample time to carry out our dreams. This leads us to live mediocre lives; to not appreciate each day fully; to not take risks that would make life more enjoyable. Truth is, this is not a good way to live.

I've read many stories and heard many people talk about how cancer, or certain illnesses like diabetes, "saved" their life. By knowing that they have limited time left on the Earth, less than most humans, these people start to do as much as they can in each day. Many people start to complete their bucket lists and start appreciating everything they have. I guess we can say that life-threatening illnesses have one benefit; they allow people to live with a purpose and lead meaningful lives.

So my proposition is that why don't we all live as if we have life-threatening illnesses? We don't know how much time we have here on Earth but since we are "healthy" we think that nothing bad can happen to us. What if life was to end tomorrow? Would we have carried out all our dreams? Would we have lived a life that made us happy?

I think it is important to take risks and to make each day as meaningful as possible. I do not understand how some people can spend all day in their bed sleeping. Time is scarce and it is important to appreciate what we have and try everything once in life because we will not get a second chance.

I think it is very ironic how the burden of having a serious illness can bring about great happiness to a person.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Want Me

"I wish I didn't have to take my clothes off for you to want me"

I think love and sex is not what it used to be; I think that sex has lost a lot of its "meaning." It used to be that when two people were in love and wanted to conceive, they would participate in sexual activity. Now it is just a recreational activity that two people, a lot of the time even two strangers, have sex because they want to feel satisfaction. In my opinion, sex lacks passion nowadays and therefore girls, like the one writing the postsecret, feel a sense of being used for quick pleasure and not for meaningful purposes like love.

Because of this new open-mindedness to sex, girls end up feeling like a "piece of meat" and often feel like guys do not actually want them, they just want their body. Sometimes even when I meet a new guy at a party, I wonder if he is interested in me or if he is interested in my assets. How did this transition from sex being a sacred act to being a common social activity occur? Maybe it’s from the sexually driven marketing techniques that have taken over magazine and billboards. Maybe these advertisements with half naked women made men respect girls less (and the opposite way around) and subconsciously lowered the standards for sexual intercourse.

There is less respect for the other sex, less meaning in sex, and casual sex occurring more frequently. With sex not being as sacred as it used to be, it has become ok to have sex with people that one does not know well. Therefore STDS and pregnancies have increased dramatically. I read an article recently that showed how the US has as many HIV sick people as Africa in 2011.

In conclusion, I think its important to re-evaluate the meaning of sex and the think about the consequences of taking the word and action lightly.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Recently, me and my floor mates were talking about buying tickets to Dayglow but we all thought that the $62 was too much money for a concert and we were hesitant to purchase them. Then one night, a friend proposed that we donate plasma in order to go to the concert. By donating plasma we would receive $40, and then the concert would out come out to a manageable $20. The next day we all purchased our tickets.

I'm not sure how I feel about doing "good deeds" for monetary compensation because in a way I feel like it defeats the purpose of doing that good action, but most would argue that you have to do what you can to survive. Keeping this philosophy in mind, I think that sometimes people are pushed into desperate situations in order to pay off their debts. I've heard stories of women donating their eggs in order to pay rent or even people donating kidneys and selling them in the black market for money.

What this Postsecret is saying to me is that times are getting harder; especially with financial situations and more people need an "easy way to make quick money" and resort to situations like these. Is this ethical? In my opinion, no. It will always be more respectable for someone to work hard at a job rather than donate plasma to pay for loans; but as times are getting hard, these types of situations are increasing.

On the other hand of the argument, if more people are donating blood / plasma / organs for money, wouldn’t this also help more people in need? The answer is yes; so in conclusion although ethically wrong, maybe this situation would help out both people: the ones who need plasma and the people who needs money. Maybe it is better to have monetary compensation for good deeds because that way everyone wins.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Rid Myself of You
I chose this Postsecret this week since it is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. This secret to me, represents a REASON as to why people suffer from eating disorders. Professionals say that eating disorders are not about wanting to become skinny or thin, instead they are a way people gain control of their lives. By starving oneself or by purging food after eating, one seems to have full control over his or her body and therefore they feel in control of their whole lives.

In this secret, thoughts of a bad relationship may have been taking over this person’s life to the point where it was unmanageable. Purging therefore made the person feel like he or she had a new sense of power and that the relationship no longer controlled them.

The ironic thing about eating disorders is that although one might feel like he or she is getting her life back on track and that he or she is in control of his/her life, in reality they are controlled by a destructive habit.

I think it is also important to bring up that people suffering from eating disorders are often misjudged and therefore not given the help they need. Many people will say that these people are trying too hard to become model-thin, and not realize that this disorder stems from issues deeper than body weight. Depression and eating disorders are commonly tied together and many people suffer from both at the same time. By trying to regain control of their lives and get out of depression, they chose to start starving themselves and end up in a vicious cycle.

In conclusion, this Postsecret does an amazing job of explaining why people suffer from eating disorders. I also enjoy the skeleton image on the Postcard because it shows how people SEE others with eating disorders, just skin and bones. But there is more to the story than that...