Friday, February 17, 2012

Lost Heart

This weeks secrets were all Valentine's Day themed and this one caught my attention because of how "messed up" the situation was. The person went out of her way to see an ex-boyfriend and lied about it to her family because she was ashamed. The reason she gives for doing this is following her heart; which may seem a little crazy but love can make a person do crazy things. I read many articles that say that being in love releases the same chemicals and makes you feel a comparable way to the high one gets from cocaine. Love is immensely powerful and thinking about it can be a little scary sometimes.

Another aspect of this secret that appealed to me is the spontaneity and adventurous spirit of the girl who wrote it. It is almost consoling in a way that people can let go of their lives and let go of their brain trying to stop them from making dumb choices and just be free and live life. This choice she made may have not been the smartest but it did increase her happiness, even if for a weekend. I guess what I am trying to say is that I admire people who do not overthink life, instead, they just live it day by day and do whatever they feel like. Having freedom like this, to me, is the best way to live life because it allows you to have no regrets about things you did not do. In addition, looking at the postcard, the secret has nothing to do with the image of cheese; they both highly contradict each other. I guess this was supposed to further support that the writer is a “free soul” and show how she does not follow norms or expectations.

One of my favorite quotes is:  “A prayer for the wild at heart, kept in cages” which goes perfectly with this week’s postsecret.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely admire this girl's free soul mentality because I am the same way. I believe in YOLO (you only live once) and I feel like every person should go out and do whatever that makes them happy. One should never regret not doing something, always go out and take the chance because sometimes really good things can come out of it. For this girl I can understand how she felt a bit ashamed about her act at first but then again she followed her heart and it made her happy which is the only thing that actually matters in life. As long as one is happy in love, the situation shouldn't really matter because it's love after all.
